Our Queer Entertainment Picks To Get You Through Lockdown.

The year 2020 has fucked us all, but particularly trans and non-binary folks. Delayed surgeries, cancelled doctor’s appointments and not being able to get prescriptions are things many of us are struggling with due to Covid-19’s path of destruction.

If that’s not bad enough, we’re stuck inside. For some of us that’s means being stuck with people who don’t understand us or at worst transphobes.

Don’t get it twisted, we fully support the lockdown and are doing what we can to help the NHS. But we really do need a reason to smile at the moment. So here are our queer picks to get you through Lockdown.

1. These Thems

These Thems is a seven-episode fully narrative digital series following the lives of four queer friends in NYC. The series explores themes of queerness, gender identity, coming out, sexual empowerment, acceptance, and self-expression.

We love it because we get to see multifaceted, three-dimensional trans and non-binary characters. Something which, let’s be honest, should be more common in 2020. For this reason, it’s also a good watch for our cis friends and allies as it has it’s educational moments.

Oh, and did we mention it’s really funny!

2. Home, A Queer Cooking series 

Home is a queer cooking series, but its also more than that. Each episode features a queer person or couple cooking a dish that means something to them.

While some of the dishes are homely and comforting, and others mark a significant moment in their life, all of them spark a conversation.

While cooking, the protagonists talk about their experience of queerness and their relationship with themselves and the community. Conversations are open, honest and real. It gives you a window into their home. At the moment its a perfect escape from our own homes.

3. Since U Been Gone

“He was a boy, she was a girl. Can I make it anymore binary?” Filmed at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2019, Since U Been Gone is an autobiographical play by non-binary writer and performer, Teddy Lamb. It is a moving yet funny story about growing up queer in the east midlands and coming to terms with a friend's death.

We watch as Teddy finds themself and loses their friend and wrestles with memories of a friendship that don’t really fit anymore.

There are only 5 days left to watch so make sure you don’t miss out!

Donate to Teddy

4. King Tito Bone

Tito is a blind, non-binary, drag king who incorporates circus performing, comedy, and glitter beard’s into their incredible shows.

During lockdown, Tito is here to put a smile on your face and get you moving during with their fabulous, accessible HIIT workouts on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at noon.

Each of the workouts includes audio description and BSL so make sure you don’t miss it.

Donate to Tito

5. My Genderation 

My Genderation is a film project that celebrates trans lives and trans experiences. The videos show the trans experience authentically not through the typical sensationalist lens of the mainstream media.

We love it because it’s really inclusive, showing people of all ages, sexualities and gender expressions.

They have produced over 100 videos, including My Trans Story for Channel 4 and New Genderation for the BBC. You can see loads of their videos on their YouTube channel.

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